What is a really good prank? - Yahoo! Answers.
This prank requires a group of people to help you out, along with a LOT of aluminum cans ... Do you have a friend that hates a celebrity for no reason? .. THAT'LL TEACH THEM TO MAKE US WRITE THESE JOKE-SPOILING DISCLAIMERS!
Practical Jokes , hundreds of Funny Practical Jokes, including car, office, pc and revenge practical jokes, available at. People hate to pass us on the freeway too. It is not. Then Harry came rushing over, yelling "Jesus, Jack, why'd you DO it? ... Last year I had a job teaching an officeful of secretaries to use their IBM XT.
To add spice to the celebrations, you may ask some riddles or narrate jokes that . "Well, the kids hate me for one, and the teachers hate me, too! I Didn't Do It!
She played favorites (she was a junior high teacher I had) and worst of all. Another time she made race jokes about my ethnicity and let other kids do it, .. at her that I was already a teacher, and this made her hate me more.
Scary Halloween Pranks.
Teachers hate nothing more than having to force students to do their homework . Humor can get you far, but jokes at inappropriate times are very detrimental to.
Little Johnny Jokes. The teacher said, "Do you think you're stupid, Little Johnny ?" "No, ma'am, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself!".
However, this is the first Pranks file for which I recruited help.. do not normally check to see if the thing is there before they show it, because teachers are stupid. . This also works at school, but there it is better: you can do it on ALL the machines that are. Put the name of someone you hate on the label, so they get blamed.
If you feel like there's a teacher that "hates your guts," here are a.
Teacher and student jokes - Teacher Appreciation.Best thing to do here is to ~not~ prank her and simply just ignore her if she bothers you so much, or really think about why exactly you hate her.
These are some teacher jokes and student jokes that you can use for a teacher appreciation activity. Then the student asks, "Do you have a pill for math?
well.i played a prank on my teacher in second grade.this is what i did, i got my friends Emily. Okay, I know you hate her, and you have reason to, but seriously, CALM DOWN.. How do all these ppl live and go to school at the same school?
pranks to pull on a teacher you hate
How to Get On Your Teacher's Good Side: 11 steps - wikiHow.
View Little Johnny Jokes - You-can-be-funny.com.
pranks to pull on a teacher you hate
Swift Vengeance: The Fixer Pranks 05.
I really need a funny school prank before june 6th.